Plans and Procedures
Behaviour management
St Joseph’s School has care and concern for each individual of the St Joseph’s Community; students, staff and parents. Our behaviour management plan aims to minimise interruptions from inappropriate behaviour in order to maximise the teaching and learning process. Our behaviour management procedure is based on the CEWA Executive Directive for Student Behaviour.
View a full copy of the CEWA Executive Directive for Student Behaviour.
View a full copy of the St Joseph’s Behaviour Management Procedure.
View a full copy of the St Joseph’s Behaviour Response Chart.
Attendance and Non- Attendance Procedures
St Joseph’s School believes there is a need to engage students and establish positive attendance behaviours in the early years of schooling; to support student attendance at transition points and to raise parent and community awareness of the fact that, where academic achievement is concerned, every day counts. There is a mutual obligation of schools, parents, and communities to develop strategies that link directly to the local causes of student absence.
View a full copy of our Attendance and Non-Attendance Procedure.
Complaints and Dispute Resolution
St Joseph’s School emphasise the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the individual. St Joseph’s is committed to ensuring that disputes and complaints are dealt with fairly, objectively and in a timely manner, and that processes reflect the principles of participation, co-responsibility and subsidiarity.
View a full copy of our Complaints and Dispute Resolution Procedure.
Enrolment Procedure
Enrolment to the school happens through an enrolment process. Enrolment documents can be found on our Enrolments page.
View a full copy of our Enrolment Procedure.
Whistleblower Protection Framework
Catholic Education Western Australia Limited (CEWA Ltd) is committed to fostering a culture that reflects transparency and integrity and promotes Catholic values and ethical behaviour. The Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA) Whistleblower Policy and associated procedures are designed to uphold CEWA Ltd’s shared values arising from the Catholic Social Teaching Principles of the dignity of the human person, the common good, subsidiarity, co-responsibility and participation.
View a full copy of CEWA Whistleblower Protection Framework.
Statutory Privacy Policy
Catholic Education Western Australia Limited collects personal information about our students, families and staff. To find out more about what information is collected and how it is used, please view the CEWA Statutory Privacy Policy.
View a full copy of the CEWA Statutory Privacy Policy
Faith & Community
In the image of CHrist