St Joseph's Parents & Friends
Nourishing a strong sense of community and enhancing opportunities for present and future students.
Parents & Friends
The Parents and Friends Association would like to extend an invitation to all our families to attend our next general meeting.
The main aim of our Association is to generate an open forum for discussion and strongly encourage and support our children’s education. The P & F strives to work alongside our teachers and staff to ensure our children receive resources that will nurture their academic, spiritual, physical and social wellbeing. We volunteer our time to raise funds to not only enable us to purchase much needed equipment and resources but to enrich our school community in a social aspect.
Please consider joining us at one of our general meetings which are held on Monday nights.
Meeting Dates for 2024 are as follows:
- Monday 19th February 5:30pm – Staff Room
- Monday 11th March 5:30pm – Staff Room
- Monday 29th April 5:30pm – Staff Room
- Monday 27th May 5:30pm -Staff Room
- Monday 29th July 5:30pm – Staff Room
- Monday 26th August 5:30pm – Staff Room
- Monday 21st October 5:30pm – Staff Room
AGM/ACM Monday 18th November 7pm Performing Arts Room
P&F Association Constitution
“The primary right of parents to educate their children must be upheld in all forms of collaboration between parents, teachers and school authorities, and particularly in forms of participation designed to give citizens a voice in the functioning of schools and in the formulation and implementation of educational policies.” Article 5, “Charter of the Rights of the Family”, issued by The Holy See, Rome, October 1983.
St Joseph’s School P&F –
Parents and Friends Federation of Western Australia
Faith & Community
In the image of CHrist